Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Prison II Promise is a non-profit organization that was established to enlighten, educate and inform individuals about past and current crime statistics through community outreach and public speaking events. I have had the opportunity to speak in classrooms and boardrooms to share my story and my goal is to spread this story throughout the United States and abroad.  I hope you enjoy the blog please feel free to comment and to share with others. I pray that God will continue to bless you in all that you do. I can be contacted @ prisontopromise@yahoo.com.


Eric D. Jordan


Before we can walk in the promise that God has designed for us we first have to understand our purpose. Understanding your purpose will help you know the reason that God has place you on this earth. When I begin to look back at my own life I can honestly say I spent many of my years not understanding my purpose therefore my life was incomplete. One of my goals is to help individuals understand their purpose!